Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Grand Finale...WooHoo

The year 2040 seemed so far fetched when I was a child. At 8 years old, the idea of 2040 had visions of flying cars and living on another planet in my head. Now, at the age of 20, the year 2040 doesn’t seem so far off. Here it is, 2007, and really, what progression have we made in this world? Have we really made advances or are we just sitting still? Or are we in fact falling backwards into our dark historic past? Imagining the world 33 years down the road, when I am 53 years old, doesn’t seem so far fetched as it used to. However, I would be lying if I discussed a utopian society in the following paragraphs, because honestly, I do not think that perfection can be obtained ever, near perfection maybe, but we are no where close to that and could never reach that in the next 30 some years.
The world I would like to live in, now there is a good question. I have actually thought about his before, and I have had a hard time deciding what kind of world this could be. I guess I am sort of an indecisive person, or maybe I am too much of a realist to think in such ways, but in taking on this assignment, I have determined that it will open of my creativity, which is highly profitable for future endeavors.
The world that I would ideally like to be living in by 2040 would have to be one more open to the opinions, beliefs, concerns, ideas, and thoughts of ALL human beings. One in which race, gender, ethnicity, and religion no longer have an affect on how we view others, but instead are seen as important and intriguing aspects of a persons character. I am not sure, and am highly concerned with how this would actually come to be, a large part of me HOPES this will be attained by then, but, the realistic side of me can logically say that by this time, I can only hope to be on the road to attaining this environment. I also would hope that by this year, we would stop resorting to violence at any indiscretion, and instead, start communicating, and determining other, more productive ways of resolving conflicts in our world. On a smaller, more personal front, I hope that more focus will be devoted to issues such as poverty, hunger, education, and personal/human rights, and less on money, wealth, and power of those who already have money, wealth, and power.
I believe I will start where this project directs me: standard of living. Standard of living really addresses the idea of a smaller, more personal development of our society. Standard of living deals with poverty, hunger, education, career development, as well as human rights campaigns. Every human has the right to a healthy, fulfilling life. I feel that at this point in time, this has yet to be conquered. I hope that in 30 years, poverty and hunger will no longer be major issues. I hope that all human beings have access to health care and with the advancement of technology and medical sciences, as well as increased education, major diseases such as cancer and AIDS, will be curable and nearly eliminated. As for wealth, I hope that more focus is drawn toward emotional, spiritual, as well as creative wealth, rather than material wealth. If we were to focus more on important things, like family, friends, and actually having the life that we were given, instead of what kind of purse we are carrying or how much money we have in the bank, then maybe, the world would be a little more concerned with human beings, and less with materials that bring no real happiness to a person’s life. We should be able to find comfort in real life: our environment, our education, our communities, our friends should all provide us with the fulfillment and enriching lifestyles we all crave. Instead, we are filled with mindless, self-indulging luxury items. We have become so disconnected with reality and so reliant on material goods that we no longer no how to function without such things as the internet, television, and cell phones.
I believe, however, that for such a thing to begin happening on an individual level, it must first happen at the governmental or international relations level. Which, would mean, our world would have to stop focusing on resources as reasons to fight with others, and start developing solutions and working together in order for ALL humans to benefit. I suppose this is where I get into Michael T. Klare’s book, Resource Wars. Klare makes a very strong and crucial point that, the majority of the war’s fought in today’s society, as well as in the history of the world, have been over crucial resources such as water, oil, and minerals needed to power our ever growing technology and consumption of resources to power our televisions, cars, and houses, as well as all other aspects of a our ever growing consumer lifestyles.
As for human relationships in general, I can only hope with the improvement of our dependency on resources and wealth, that we can finally and clearly understand the importance of each and every human being. Although numerous accomplishments have been made in the past 100 years about racism, sexism, etc, I feel that there is still SO much to be accomplished in this society. I can only hope that with another 30 years, we can see past skin color, ethnicity, religion, gender, and sexual orientation and instead see a PERSON. EVERYONE, no matter what, deserves equal treatment in a society as advanced and “civilized” as ours. Again, I direct my attention to a larger party. Before human beings can start listening to each other and respecting each other, our government must start doing the same with other countries. We must stop jumping to violence, and we must start communicating. Governments as well as distinguished leaders around the globe must start setting the example. Until that is possible, no resolution or peace talks can happen. I think in order for us to begin this process, the government must step up and take responsibility, and smaller groups of citizens must start speaking up and taking action. Although I believe there is power in numbers, I also feel that it is the smaller things, the smaller movements like sexual assault rallies and park cleanups that begin revolutions. If we could address things on a more personal level, a lot of work could get accomplished. If only we could get governments to pay attention to the smaller, hard working citizens who are trying to make a difference. When that day comes, change will happen.
Reverting back to resources, my hope is that in 30 years, we are able to more adequately obtain resources, as well as conserve resources by having limitations as well as equal distribution to all parties. I believe that by 2040, we will have developed even more technology that allows us to convert plentiful resources and such things as recycled products into useful materials and for things such as power, energy, and fuel for vehicles. My hope is the emissions from vehicles as well as homes can be reduced by using new and more efficient fuels. I hope that we are more able to utilize our environment in order to save our environment. We must find more efficient resources and ones that are going to be able to last for a long amount of time. In order to do so, our society must become less obsessed with money and wealth and luxuries, and as I sad before, more concerned with each individual person.
The conflicts within education, religion, law, medicine, and other social institutions will have hopefully been addressed more appropriately and adequately at this time. These issues are generally the ones most discussed, but most likely to be put at the end of the list when it involves politicians and government. The educational system in our world is what I believe must be tackled first. I think this because if we can improve our educational system, then improvements between conflicts in religion, law, medicine, and all other social institutions can be made. If everyone has the equal opportunity to an education, then everyone can be equally educated about said social institutions. By improving educational institutions with better supplies, better teachers, more funding, as well as better environments and programs which keep our children intrigued and motivated to learn, and then we will be better able to understand each other better. Which in turn, allows us to better understand different belief systems, different religion and ethnic backgrounds, as well as allow people to be better-rounded and developed in their thinking. If we could show people how to think less one dimensional and more worldly, we could put aside the conflict between social institutions that really should be working together for the better of society instead of constantly contradicting each other and pitting the world against each other. AGAIN, I blame the simple mindedness and quick to use violence idea used in the world today (mainly super powers such as the United States).
This education, of course, must start with our youth. The youth of our world is the future of our world, and if early enough, all children have access to resources and education, all children will have a chance to better understand the world that we live in as well as in what ways they can help to keep our world as efficient as possible. Children should be taught how to resolve conflict without the use of force or violence. They should not be encouraged to fight or quickly attack others. They instead, should be taught how to communicate with one another as well as express their thoughts and concerns in a manner that is appropriate as well as more efficient than punching someone in the face. Children should learn from a young age that different is not a bad thing. Just because a person is different does not make that person lesser or inferior to you, all humans should be considered just as equal and as important as the next. This is where education needs to become less one dimensional and more let’s think critically and see the position from many different angles.
Of course, none of this will be possible if the main superstructures of our society do not agree. Thus, government, education, family, religion, and etc. must work together. I believe the family, especially, must be in this mindset for education to be successful. The power structure and family dynamic must be diverse as well as open to all aspects of life in order for a child to be that way as well. No influence on a child is as powerful as that family structure. This is where gender roles come in, too. Mothers and fathers must equal share family roles and should be on equal playing fields when it comes to their children. They need to show their child that no one person is better than another. Thus by sharing responsibilities and educating their children about diversity and acceptance, maybe our youth will be able to grow up and change the face of the world.
As for where I sit in this perfect society of mine, I hope to be a parent, someday down the road, and I can only hope that when I do have children, I can educate them to the best of my ability in every aspect I just discussed. Until I have children, I am planning on making a difference on a more personal level, in hopes that the ripple affect occurs and it touches enough lives to make a difference. That is one of the main reasons I am in the field of psychology as well as interests in sociology and social work. I am much more of a person to person, individualistic thinker, than I am a ‘let’s tackle the government type’. I feel that if I can help people, in the ways that I have been helped by counseling and general sincerity of others, then I truly am making a difference. I may not be able to over throw a government or change the entire world, but if I can save one person’s life like mine was saved, then I feel I am changing things for the better. Not only one on one effectiveness, but through organizations that devote themselves to such things such as sexual assault and rape. I see myself as being a person devoted to such a cause, because if I can tell a person my story, and make them feel less alone, then I can change lives and in a sense make our world a better place.
Do I truly believe that the ideal scenarios I have laid out previously can be accomplished? Well, I can only say that I hope so, with time. Can I really explain how or when they will be accomplished? Not really. All I can do is get my ideas out there, help as many people as I can, and hope, that in the next 33 years of my life, I make a small dent in the surface….

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